Low flow pole includes grounded movement, basework, and floorplay, and although it has always been a mainstay in my pole dance journey, its look and feel has changed for me over the years.
When I first started pole dancing in 2013, I was obsessed with the ballistic energy of hardstyle heels. However, lately I’ve been into slow and controlled soft movements. Neither is better than the other, both are valid, and there are so many different styles in between.
Low flow pole has a certain magic, but it’s not just one aesthetic or style. Read on as I declare my love flow love in this Low Flow Manifesto.
Transitions Are Where Flow Lives
Transitions are where fluidity comes from. Without them, it’s just a bunch of moves stuck together! Transitions happen between tricks, between the floor and the pole, between poles, between everything. For me, exploring interesting pole-to-floor transitions is a huge part of the fun. Whether I’m choreographing or freedancing, I find I build around pole-to-floor transitions more than any other kind. If it’s a melty faint to the floor or a dynamic drop, that one transition can set the vibe for the whole low flow.
Slow and Savory Movement Takes Balls
In a world that's constantly rushing, low flow encourages me to slow down and truly savor each movement. Moving slowly takes a lot of strength, especially if I generate momentum for one movement and then try to harness it for another. IMO, it takes brass balls to move slowly and give people a chance to watch what I’m doing. When I move slowly, there’s no place to hide, and if I get stuck, I move slowly to get unstuck. I do my best not to panic or move frantically, which broadcasts how stuck I am. I just think, "Girl, I'm curious to see where you're going to go next." It basically counts as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Sonic Youth (Lol, My Students Wouldn't Get That Reference)
The right music can completely transform a routine and take it to the next level. In my Slow Low Flow class, I come up with a low flow sequence, teach it, and then source song choices from my students. I almost never know what the songs are because my students are 15 years younger than I am! We move through the sequence, slow and low of course, to each of their songs and just feel it out as we go. Sometimes the songs fit perfectly and other times they are just so-so, but we feel our way through the movement every time. Plus, we all discover new genres and artists that we might not otherwise find... especially when I choose a song from the 90s!
My Footwear and I Are Explorers
Experimenting with different footwear is one of my favorite aspects of low flow. I look at whatever is on my feet as my partner in exploration, the Clark to my Lewis, if you will. Heels can add edge and elegance, and height matters for sure. Years ago switching from 7” to 8” heels informed my movement style in a whole new way. Having to be careful on that extra inch slowed me down for the better and built strength in a new way. And socks! Socks can create a smooth, gliding sensation, allowing for seamless transitions and intricate footwork. I love skating around the pole in socks just to see what happens.
Rebel Against the Tyranny of Perfection
I’m sick to death of seeing videos on Instagram by people saying “Don’t do this when you body wave, do this instead” and they use the Red X and the Green Checkmark. Do you know the videos I’m talking about? The difference between the Do and Don’t versions is nitpicky, arbitrary, or even worse, ableist, and I’m sick of movement being classified as right or wrong. I’m not auditioning for Juilliard, okay? Chill! Every time I low flow, I like to imagine the Do and Don’t Tyrants watching and being absolutely horrified by my mediocrity. I dance as if to say, “I’m just okay at this, but I have the audacity to do it anyway and there’s nothing you can do about it.” So if you ever see me low flowing with a smug look on my face, that’s why!
So pick a pole-to-floor transition, throw on your 8” heels, and horrify the perfectionists with me! Just kidding (unless you want to).
If you do find yourself falling in love with low flow but not with the knee and shoulder pain, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Bee’s Knees Knee Pads or make a shameless plug for the Floorwork Shrug. They're literally made for the kind of grounded movement, basework, and floorplay that makes up low flow pole.
If you missed this year's Low Flow Pole Summit, don't make the same mistake twice! Join the list to be the first to know when you can grab your free ticket for the next one. It's a free 4 day virtual event for polers of all levels to learn new skills from more than 25 top low-flow instructors... including me!